Friday, August 7, 2015

Bumblebees are the craziest people:

          We have 3 bushes, which when flowering attract Bumblebees by the hundreds. I don’t know the name of the bushes so I just call them George Bush, George W. Bush, and Anheuser Bush. When those fat sluggish bad boys converge on the shrubs, I noticed that one stays separated from the rest. He hovers about the perimeter and attacks any flying intruder. I’ve seen him chase off butterflies, June bugs, birds, and even bumblebees, presumably from another tribe. I’ve found that if I toss a small piece of anything in his direction he will chase it – hours of fun. But, after tossing I always try to look really innocent – it wouldn’t do to get him miffed.

50 years ago today, this sweet young thing took on the greatest challenge of her life.... Me!

She seems to have answered the challenge well.