The way it was:
I recall hearing the old folks talk
about paying a doctor bill with chickens, geese, ducks, or eggs. It would cost
so many chickens for a house call or 2 ducks, a goose, and a weeks worth of
eggs to set a broken bone. Sadly, those days are gone forever. I guess the cost
of a medical education and expensive technology has made it impossible for a
doctor to accept such poultry sums.
Don’t try this at home or anywhere:
Have you
ever been walking along minding your own business and come to the top of a hill
where you pause to take a deep breath… and inhale a bug? And as you are choking
and gagging and trying to get that thing out of there you keep wondering what
kind of bug it is.
It doesn’t matter it’s a bug.
Books by Lou Bradshaw
available on Amazon Kindle
Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther – Cain
– One Man Standing – Rubio And now….Cain…just Cain
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