The little rat:
I believe
we a mouse in our house, and I think he must be pretty advanced for a mouse.
Last week he got into the pantry, opened a bag of chips, ate half of them, and
then put a bag clip on it. The next night he got into the refrigerator and had
some ice cream, and left his bowl in the sink. The following night he finished
the chips then looked at the clock and saw it was Miller time so he had a beer.
The lovely Avon went ballistic and had me setting traps all over the place. She
won’t catch him though because I know where the traps are.
“Life is much too important
to be taken seriously.”
Books by Lou Bradshaw
available on Amazon Kindle
Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther – Cain
– One Man Standing – Rubio
– Cain…just Cain….Spirit Valley…..Now Driftin’
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you little mouse you. That's funny