Dear Doctor Love:
the movie review segment, was such a roaring sleeper I have decided to try an
advice to the lovelorn column. Our first letter just came in...
Dear Doctor
Love: I am a 93-year-old man who has been corresponding with a 22-year-old
coed. She thinks I am an Arab oil Sheik and wants to meet with me. What should
I do?
DB, Syracuse, NY
Dear DB:
First, wrap a dishtowel around your head; next wrap a sheet around the rest of
you. Most importantly, write, “Call 911” with a permanent marker on the palm of
your hand.
Dr. Love
Too many cooks:
is an old saying that goes, “Too many cooks spoil the broth.” The lovely Avon
and I seem to have worked out that problem. We have each found our strengths
and weaknesses, and now we can share the kitchen. I operate the can opener, and
she operates the microwave. We are such gourmets.
Uncle Ed Update:
Uncle Ed is still undergoing therapy for a little bit of a mental disorder... He thinks he's a trained seal and has spent the last week balancing a beach ball on his nose. The doc says he's getting better and could be released by Monday. Yesterday, he did some finger painting, ate some Play Dough, and smoked 2 Crayolas before they took his matches.... Yep, I think he's almost back to normal.
Books by Lou Bradshaw available on
Amazon Kindle
Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther – Cain
– One
Man Standing – And available Now – Rubio
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Your nonsense does put a smile on my face. Tell Avon this, In 1814, women had no rights, in 1914, women fought for their rights. As of 2014, women are NOW always RIGHT! Hope I don't open up a can of worms for you.