Tuesday, October 14, 2014

That’s the good stuff:

            I had set my constant companion, my coffee mug, down on the deck rail while I performed some little chore. When I came back to it I saw a small green grasshopper sitting on the rim taking a sip. “Hey!’ I yelled, “That stuff’s too good for the likes of you.” and took a swat at him to shoo him away.  He grabbed my hand, and quick as a flash threw me flat on the deck floor. Then he spat in my direction and jumped about a hundred feet clean out of sight. I got up, and dusted myself off, and as I looked into the distance where he had disappeared… Decaf?  Not if I can help it.

Way back when:
            Way back when I was a younger man we all had a way of trying to restore a lost telephone connection. That’s when all telephones were black, ugly, plugged into the wall, and weighed about 14 pounds. We would hold the receiver away from our ear, look at it, and rapidly pound on the cradle button while yelling, “Operator…operator!” That never worked, but we all did it anyway, they even did it in the movies. Since modern telephones no longer have cradle buttons how does one restore a lost connection? Do you rapidly snap it open and closed like a duck eating corn and yell, “Cell tower…cell tower?”

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther
And now available –  Cain
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or www.facebook.com/loubradshawarts

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