could have said it:
There was a time during the
Lyndon Johnson presidential era when the powers that were in charge feared the
growing hippie movement. So they sought to weaken its growth by subtly
attacking one of the symbols of the times – the beard. To do this surreptitiously,
the administration tried to take whiskers out of fashion by removing Abe
Lincoln’s image on the penny and replacing it with a beardless one. The people
didn’t know what was wrong, but they knew it was just plain wrong. Instead of
pennies being carelessly tossed into fruit jars, they were being thrown into
opaque ceramic containers where the beardless face of Mr. Lincoln wouldn’t be
seen. This only served to prove the old
adage, “A penny shaved is a penny urned”.
I know.... that was bad, but I'm not gonna apologize because I've got a lot more, and they have to go somewhere.
Books by Lou
Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther
And now available – Cain
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Is this your idea of PUNishment? Thanks for the morning laughs.