Guest Blogger for today
Crusty Old Dusty.
old sidekick Lou and his lovely misses Avon are off on another honeymoon trip…I
reckon he didn’t get it right 51 years ago. Anyway, he asked me to kinda come
over and feed Bob…. Crusty old Midnight Bob that is. Bob is a scrawny old black
tomcat that stopped by the place a bunch of years ago lookin’ for a handout.
Well the ol’ skudder just kept coming back. Lou can pet him but only on Bob’s
terms, which usually includes a strip of bacon. But there ain’t nobody else can
touch him.
Bob’s a longtime hunter and keeps the mice, chip monks, and snakes at bay, so
it kinder works out for both of them, unless someone happens to step on him in
the dark… ‘cause Lord knows you can’t see him there layin’ on the porch. And he
wouldn’t come inside if it was thirty below and 6 feet of snow outside. Lou
said he wouldn’t come inside, unless he signed over the deed to the place, and
Avon wouldn’t go for that.
So I
come over to the place, and I was just standin’ there watchin’ ol’ Bob eatin’
his kibbles and grits…. Bob favors grits and an occasional pork chop. But a
neighbor complained that Bob was tryin’ to tree his 400 pound boar hog. So Lou
cut out the pork chops. Anyway, it was rainin’ and I was standin’ there watchin’
him eat, when a young jackrabbit come boundin’ into Bob’s line of sight.
Bob don’t care a whole lot for water, other than to drink it. So he watches
that jackrabbit, and the jackrabbit froze and was lookin’ at him. Bob looked at
him then he looked at me, as if to say… “Well?” I looked at ol’ Bob, I looked
at that jackrabbit, I looked at the rain, and I looked at my old rundown boots
and said, “What?”
boots should be dry by the time Lou and the missus get home. He’s gonna owe me.
is much too important to be taken seriously.”
Now on Amazon Kindle
by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
Fine Kettle
of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther – Cain
One Man Standing – Rubio – Cain…just Cain….Spirit Valley….. Driftin’…. JL
Tate Texas Ranger….. Hell’s Gate….
Arizona….and now…..Texas War Lord
at Amazon Author Central www.amazon.com/author/loubradshaw
Oh I love it.