Monday, August 29, 2016

Failing Memory…
            Almost all the things I’ve written about in the nearly 600 blog posts I’ve made over the past few years have been taken from life. I lived and survived a lot of nonsense in my time. They’ve been all logged and put on a password protected flash drive. The problem I’ve run into is things will pop into my head, and I’ll think    Hey! That would make a great blog post. Then I’ll wonder if it’s something I’ve already used.
The logical thing to do is insert the flash drive into the computer and check it out…. Here comes….
Problem #2. I forgot the password, but I wrote it down and put it in an envelope. Good idea … right?
Problem #3. I forgot where I put the envelope.  I could always take the flash drive to my computer nerd and have him hack it out for a small fee.
Problem #4. I forgot where I put the flash drive.

So let’s just say I go ahead and use something that I’d posted 2 or 3 years ago… would I have to worry about being sued by me for plagiarism or copyright infringement?    

Life is much too important to be taken seriously.”

Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther  Cain
–  One Man Standing – Rubio –  Cain…just Cain….Spirit Valley….. Driftin’…. JL Tate Texas Ranger…..  Hell’s Gate…. Arizona….and now…..Texas War Lord
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Food and the Taste of it:
I’ve found through the years that our (my) tastes have changed greatly. There was a time when meat was only cooked one way… it was fried to death. It started as something pink or red or white. It was soft and somewhat floppy. But when it was ready for the table it was dark brown bordering on black. I could never figure out why you’d put a piece of meat into a frying pan full of grease and then cook all the grease out of it, so what you had left was a frying pan full of grease and a hockey puck stuck to the bottom. 

I never saw anything but a wood burning cook stove until I was 7, so I’m sure lack of temperature control had to have something to do with some of that. That’s just the way things were back in the day. That’s how things were cooked and that’s how my tastes developed. It took me a long time to learn the truth that charred morsels were not vitamins, nor would they make my hair curly. I was pretty naïve back in those days.

Little by little my tastes have changed, but I still don’t have many who are eager to come over for a cookout especially if I’m doing the cookouting. Now, I still haven’t even given things like sushi and raw oysters the time of day, but I will allow a little pink to show up in a piece of beef.    

Life is much too important to be taken seriously.”

Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther  Cain
–  One Man Standing – Rubio –  Cain…just Cain….Spirit Valley….. Driftin’…. JL Tate Texas Ranger…..  Hell’s Gate…. Arizona….and now…..Texas War Lord
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Monday, August 8, 2016

Guest Blogger for today

Crusty Old Dusty.

            My old sidekick Lou and his lovely misses Avon are off on another honeymoon trip…I reckon he didn’t get it right 51 years ago. Anyway, he asked me to kinda come over and feed Bob…. Crusty old Midnight Bob that is. Bob is a scrawny old black tomcat that stopped by the place a bunch of years ago lookin’ for a handout. Well the ol’ skudder just kept coming back. Lou can pet him but only on Bob’s terms, which usually includes a strip of bacon. But there ain’t nobody else can touch him.
            Now Bob’s a longtime hunter and keeps the mice, chip monks, and snakes at bay, so it kinder works out for both of them, unless someone happens to step on him in the dark… ‘cause Lord knows you can’t see him there layin’ on the porch. And he wouldn’t come inside if it was thirty below and 6 feet of snow outside. Lou said he wouldn’t come inside, unless he signed over the deed to the place, and Avon wouldn’t go for that.
            So I come over to the place, and I was just standin’ there watchin’ ol’ Bob eatin’ his kibbles and grits…. Bob favors grits and an occasional pork chop. But a neighbor complained that Bob was tryin’ to tree his 400 pound boar hog. So Lou cut out the pork chops. Anyway, it was rainin’ and I was standin’ there watchin’ him eat, when a young jackrabbit come boundin’ into Bob’s line of sight.
            Now Bob don’t care a whole lot for water, other than to drink it. So he watches that jackrabbit, and the jackrabbit froze and was lookin’ at him. Bob looked at him then he looked at me, as if to say… “Well?” I looked at ol’ Bob, I looked at that jackrabbit, I looked at the rain, and I looked at my old rundown boots and said, “What?”

            My boots should be dry by the time Lou and the missus get home. He’s gonna owe me. 

Life is much too important to be taken seriously.”

Now on Amazon Kindle

Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther  Cain
–  One Man Standing – Rubio –  Cain…just Cain….Spirit Valley….. Driftin’…. JL Tate Texas Ranger…..  Hell’s Gate…. Arizona….and now…..Texas War Lord
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Monday, August 1, 2016

What’s the purpose?     

Just exactly what is the Pinky Toe there for? Academians (that’s another word for smart folks) tell us that it is there primarily for balance. It seems they believe we would tip over if that little toe wasn’t there to prevent it.  There may be some of truth in what they say, after all they are smart.

But I believe they have a much more important purpose. And after many years of exhaustive and painful research and trials performed in my own kitchen and bedroom and even in the bathroom, I believe I’ve found the true purpose of those Petite Pedal digits, or (little foot fingers) for the layman. They were put there by our Creator as a way to feel really alive with all senses on full alert. Because when you are roaming around in the dark of night barefooted and that little pinky toe finds a piece of furniture that shouldn’t be there… you are suddenly experiencing life. It may not be your most pleasant experience, but you are certainly alive at that moment…even if you don’t want to be.   

Life is much too important to be taken seriously.”

Now Available on Amazon Kindle

Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle

 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther  Cain
–  One Man Standing – Rubio –  Cain…just Cain….Spirit Valley….. Driftin’…. JL Tate Texas Ranger…..  Hell’s Gate…. Arizona….and now…..Texas War Lord
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central