Thursday, December 24, 2015

How I start my day: 

            The other morning shortly after 5:00 am, with coffee cup in hand I opened the side  garage door to assess the morning and sort of sniff things out. When I did the light fell on a white tailed doe not 10 feet from me. She froze for an instant then launched into the darkness and was gone. I could hear the thumping of her little hooves for a second then I heard her going through the cedars. It was a good morning. My coffee was cold before I remembered what I had in my hand. For those who wonder why I choose to live in this part of the country there’s your answer. We don't have many of the amenities an urban area can offer, but things like that just don’t happen in New York City.

Merry Christmas, friends.
Remember the reason for the season.

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