What, me worry:
I was in the
check out line at Wal-Mart the other day, when the old fella in front of me
turned around and told me that it was his birthday, and that he was 92 years
old. I wished him a happy birthday and told him that he didn’t look a day over
91. He insisted that he was definitely 92. When he had gone, the checker said
that he came in every day for some little thing, and that he never seemed to
let things bother him. He never seemed to worry about anything. I thought, “The
man has lived through the depression and probably fought in WW-II. He’s watched
the Korean, Viet Nam, Bosnian, Granada, Gulf-I and Gulf-II, Afghanistan, and
the Cold War on his TV. He’s seen the stock market climb and plunge, banks
collapse, and the Twin Towers come down. He had seen it all, so what was there
left to worry him?”
“Life is much too important
to be taken seriously.”
Books by Lou Bradshaw
available on Amazon Kindle
Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther – Cain
– One Man Standing – Rubio
– Cain…just Cain…. and now available…Spirit Valley
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or www.facebook.com/loubradshawarts
Or you can contact me at loubradshaw7@gmail.com
Or at Amazon Author Central www.amazon.com/author/loubradshaw
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