Thursday, April 30, 2015

Easter Eggs:
            Everybody seems to like Easter Eggs, and we are no exceptions. Every year Avon colors up a bunch and we enjoy cracking, pealing, salt and peppering them, and eating them. Our son, Chris claims that he could eat 50 of them by himself, or was that Cool Hand Luke? I get my share, but I prefer my eggs scrambled. I suggested making scrambled Easter Eggs, and she gave me that look – the one that says, “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” I guess she has a problem with red, blue, and purple scrambled eggs.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Coming Soon….Cain…just Cain
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Final Four:

            In 1987 Avon and I went to the NCAA final four in New Orleans. It was an experience that I would fully recommend to any basketball fan. But if you go as a sports purist you might be disappointed. The games were great of course, but the only thing I remember about them was the pass from Steve Alford to Keith Smart for the buzzer beater – and the UNLV Cheerleaders. The event is something I will never forget, and New Orleans is the perfect venue. The streets in the French Quarter were filled with fans singing their school songs and shouting their chants each trying to out shout the other. Sports and entertainment celebrities were mixed with regular folks. I bumped into Dean Smith – literally.  At a pizza counter I was standing over Berry Switzer’s shoulder, close enough to spit in his pizza – I was tempted. We never went to another Final Four because you can get a better view of the games on TV and the UNLV Cheerleaders went to less exciting uniforms the following year.

The second book of the Cain series is getting close to being released. It's in the Final stages of proofing and should be out in early to mid May.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Coming Soon….Cain…just Cain
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Furniture shopping:

            Last month we went shopping for furniture. Of course, I was less than excited to do it, but to save myself from a great deal of anguish I went. Once I got into it, I was really into it. I was slinging fabric and swatches over anything with a seat, 4 legs, and a back. The fact that the saleslady was a natural audience didn’t hurt my mood. I was so busy mixing and matching stuff and entertaining that by the time we left I had no idea what we had bought. Avon seems to be happy with our choices, but I’ll have to wait till it’s delivered to call it a successful venture of just another bone headed outing.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Coming Soon….Cain…just Cain
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Monday, April 27, 2015

Who was that tall man?

            Back in 2006, Avon and I went to Jupiter, FL for Cardinal spring training. It was all up close and personal with the players in a cozy fan friendly stadium. Everywhere you looked someone was signing autographs, and Avon was usually in the mix. She was waiting to get Mike Matheny to sign her visor when the player behind him said, “I’ll sign it – I’ll sign it.” She handed it to a 6’ 6” bean pole who was all grins and elbows with a little reluctance. Turning to me she mouthed, “Who is he?” I could only shrug. The bean pole made the team, and 2 years later, he was closing out the last game of the World Series with a win. He has been nothing but  a winner ever since. Adam Wainwright’s autograph is one of her proudest possessions. Oh, she got the Matheny also – at least 10 of them. 

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Coming Soon….Cain…just Cain  (Book 2 of the Cain Series)
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Friday, April 24, 2015

It’s all about control:

            Like most reasonably intelligent people, during the winter, we always turn the thermostat down when we leave the house. In the summer we do the opposite. It occurred to me the other day that Avon not only turns it down when we leave the house but also when she leaves the house as well, even if I’m still there. Do you suppose she thinks I don’t know the difference between warm and cool? Well, actually, she’s probably been doing that for years, and I just never noticed it… So maybe I don’t know the difference after all.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Musical car parts:
            Back in the '60s was a singer named *Freddy Fender a.k.a. Elvis of the Rio Grande. He was some sort of a Tex-Mex Rockabilly mixture, with only one top ten to his credit. I often wondered if his band members also had automotive names. I can imagine him introducing his band as Carlos Carburetor on lead guitar, Tommy Tailpipe on bass, Harvey Hubcap on drums, and the girl background singer as Brenda Backseat.

*Actually, Freddy Fender took his name from his Fender Guitar.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Rush hour:

            Last week I had a reason to go out among ‘em at rush hour. Yes, we have a rush hour here in the Ozarks. It can’t compare to a St. Louis or L.A. rush hour but it’s not much fun. I hadn’t been out in traffic at that time of day for nearly nine years, but I immediately learned to hate it all over again. What I could never understand is why they call it “rush hour” because nobody was rushing anywhere. I think they should call it “I sure would like to Rush Hour”.

Trains in the dark:
            Late at night and early in the morning I swear I can hear trains in the distance. When I say distance I mean over 12 miles. The closest railroad, is that far away. I made the mistake of telling Avon about it, and she wanted to know how I could hear something 12 miles away, but couldn’t hear her from across the kitchen table. 

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

That tool:
            Some years ago I bought a C clip tool. A C clip is a tempered steel devil device that is used to hold something on a spindle. To get it on or off without the proper tool is enough to make a preacher cuss. I’ve been saving that tool for at least 15 years, last week I needed it and had no idea where the blessed thing was. I looked everywhere without success. So I went to work on the clip with a screwdriver and needle nose pliers. It only took me 30 minutes to get it off and another 45 minutes to get it back on. 10 minutes later I found the tool right where I had put it for safe keeping about 15 years ago.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Monday, April 20, 2015

What is that stuff?
            When I was a little kid I went to 2 different one room schools, and I remember we sang a song that went, “mammy’s little baby loves shortnen’ bread.” If I remember right, isn’t shortening kind of like – lard? I can’t imagine anybody’s little baby loving something like that.

Through the eyes of a child:

            About 6 years ago, my (then) eight year old grandson was “helping” me with a construction project. He was pounding nails into a section of subfloor. What he lacked in skill, he was more than making up for in vigor and zeal. Nails are cheap, but Jack’s help is invaluable. You never know when hanging with grandpa may not be nearly as cool as hanging with his buddies. You should have seen his eyes when I scored a sheet of drywall and snapped it off. You’d have thought that I had just invented chocolate.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Friday, April 17, 2015

That’s not right:

            While watching a basketball game, Avon asked about the Virginia coach but couldn’t think of his name. She said that young, good-looking kid. I said, “Yeah, Tony something. You know like the singer (Tony Bennet).” She asked, “Tony Sinatra?” That didn’t sound right. “No.” I said, “Tony Soprano.” I knew that was wrong, but I’m not going to be the one to tell Tony Soprano he wasn’t right.

Money talks:
            I was getting my change from a recent purchase, and as the $1 bills were being counted, out I couldn’t help noticing how much like works of art they were. I thought about the other denominations, and I remembered they were all that way at one time. They were so well done and with such precision that each value was worthy of being framed and hung in art galleries. Technology has made counterfeiting so available to so many that the bills are now loaded with gimmicks. It’s a shame that the one bill has remained pristine, but it isn’t worth anything, and the others all look like circus posters.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Unlikely combination:
            One of Avon’s friends (I can’t remember which one it was) told her about a restaurant in Indiana that served oatmeal with ice cream. So, of course we had to try it – and you should. Just take a steaming bowl of oatmeal (microwave variety is fine), and drop a healthy scoop of any flavor ice cream in it. Then use a small spoon because you’ll want to make it last as long as possible.

How long is too long?

            One of the first times I heard John Denver sing “Country Road Take Me Home” was back in the ‘70s. I don’t remember what TV show it was on, but I remember it was on a small screen and it was in black and white. I also remember in those primitive TV days, you never saw a pregnant woman on the little screen. When John stepped out on stage to sing his chart topping hit, he was accompanied by his co-writers… a husband and wife team, and she was pregnant. It was a TV first as far as I’ve been able to learn.
            That has stuck with me all these 40 years since, and every time I hear the song, I wonder if she’s still pregnant.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
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Or at Amazon Author Central

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Mind refreshment:
            Every now and then, my thinking gets a little stale. When this happens I usually take my mind out, lay it on the deck and hose it down with cold water. It will shake off the excess water and bask in the sun to dry. Then it will disappear for several days, and when it returns it is full of brand new thinking. I don’t know where it goes, but it comes back happy and refreshed.

Just a thought:
            The moment we stop growing, we start dying. I’ve given this several minutes of thought, so it’s not just one of my flippant comments. Looking around, one can see that it pertains to almost everything animal, vegetable, or mineral. It pertains to businesses, communities, mule deer, oak trees, and etc…etc. Even the very planet we live on is in a dying stage. No new mineral deposits are being created, and our core is cooling. The only thing I can see that defies this trend is Government. The more a government expands the more self destructive it becomes.

            We cannot stop our own dying process, but we can slow it down. When physical growth has stopped, and fewer replacement cells are being made, we can still grow intellectually. So make an effort to keep your mind growing – it could be of some value.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The unseen and the unheard:
            I have always believed in the things that I couldn’t see. Spooks, spirits, pixies, leprechauns, and of course Angels are as real to me as rush hour traffic. I had a co-worker once who felt quite differently. He not only didn’t believe in what he couldn’t see but he didn’t believe in silent letters either. He would pronounce every letter in every word. For instance, Creighton University was Creig-hu-ton to him. I used to crack up when he would say, “Lou, you hav-e a p-hone call.” We never let him talk to anyone outside the department.

They don’t make ‘em like that anymore:
            When I was in the early grades, we were all worried that the Russions would attack us with Atomic bombs. In school we would have air-raid drills and have to get under our desks. I am still amazed at the prospect that as old and beat up as those desks were – they could stand up to an Atom bomb.

A public information notice: 
Yesterday, a Florida Senator named Marco Rubio declared himself in the race for the nomination of his party. He probably wasn't aware that the name Rubio was already taken by the main character in my latest book Rubio. I just want to go on record that this is in no way an endorsement from me. I'm sure he's a very nice young man, but this old fella doesn't dabble in politics.  

Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Monday, April 13, 2015

Necessity, the mother of invention:
            I have invented a small, flexible ballpoint pen, which when coupled with a tough covered mini writing pad can be carried in the back pocket and be handy for jotting down quick notes, phone numbers, messages, and the like. Now if one of my subscribers would care loan me a million dollars I can develop and promote this product. Any takers?

It’s all in the name:

            This story was told to me by a golfing friend who is also an avid fisherman, which makes him a double-barreled liar. With that in mind you can judge its validity. A young Greene County process server went out to serve papers on a Mr. John Seggscoure. When he got to the man’s place of employment, he asked the lady in HR, "Is there a Seggscoure working here?"... “Sex Hour!” she yelled, “Are you crazy, you’d be lucky to get a coffee break!” 

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Friday, April 10, 2015

Men can’t really cook:
            Now, that’s going to get some negative comments, but it’s true. We all claim we can, but in reality, we can’t. It’s just that we aren’t afraid to experiment or improvise and sometimes it works out ok. Each of us claims to make great chili, but we can’t do it twice and have it come out the same. If a man is following a recipe that calls for fresh strawberries, and he doesn’t have any, he will rationalize that canned tomatoes are the same color, so they will probably work. Every man who ever held match to a charcoal briquette knows he could have been a famous chef. Men feel that they can accomplish any meal as long as it contains 2 of the 5 major food groups – beef, chicken, pork, beef, and beer. If the entrée isn’t overly successful we won’t bother with leftovers because nobody wants it again, and we probably couldn’t find a lid for the Tupperware anyway.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Out Elvising Elvis:

            The movie “GI Blues” yielded among other things a scene where Elvis sings with a pair of puppets the song “Wooden Heart”. The song was released as a single and was a moderate success. German, Elvis impersonator, Roul Donner also released the song in Elvis’s own style. Donner’s version was a huge success. But Donner was never heard of again.... Does the music industry have its own version of a Witness Protection Program?

Did you know?
            Did you know that Johnny Appleseed was a real person? He was in fact John Chapman an itinerant preacher with a few flashes of sanity. He reportedly roamed the middle states from 1810 till 1830 preaching the Swedenborgian Gospel (whatever that is) and planting apple trees. He is said to have planted tens of thousands trees. He must have had a really big bag of seeds.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Weeds or flowers:
            We have a spring blooming purple flowered weed here that everyone considers a nuisance. Personally, I like it, but most just try to kill it. The grandkids showed me that it has a sugar content like honeysuckle but much lower, you’d have to graze about an acre to get a good sugar high. The horticulturalists call it Henbit. Now, the simplest minded country boy knows that hens don’t bite they peck. For my own safety and well-being that’s all I’m going to say on the subject of henpecking.


Life’s goals:
            I once worked for a woman who was occasionally my friend but was always my boss. Even with that somewhat strained relationship, I had to admire her life’s ambition. I admired it so much that I adopted it as my own. She always said that the one thing she wanted to be when she got older was a character. I’ve lost track of her over the last 25 years, but I’ve often wondered how she made out with it. I must admit I haven’t put a great deal of effort into my pursuit of her goal, but “Sometimes I feel like a nut.” So I ask you dear reader – how am I doing?

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Who gives orders to generals?
            I do – or did for a few weeks at least. Many years ago, I was on the school board at a little private school in Illinois. The school was not parish based, it had been established to educate the Catholic children from a nearby Air Force base. Our major source of finances, besides tuition, came from Saturday night bingo. I managed the bar (the only thing I was qualified to do). One of my volunteer workers was Colonel, Orley Gonzales. Lo-and-behold old Orley became the first Latino to be promoted to the rank of an Air Force General, and for about 2 bingo sessions I was giving orders to a general. A typical order that I might have given went something like this, “Oh, here, Orley sir, let me do that for you.”

Life is much too important to be taken seriously


Did you know?
            Did you know that tough guys Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin only worked on 1 movie together? It was of all things a movie version of the Broadway Musical “Paint Your Wagon.” They sang their own songs, and Clint Eastwood received good reviews for his singing.

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Old eMail Bag:
            An e-mail from Ron, the West Coast Flash, chided me for not taking on a serious issue facing most of us. Noting the gravity of this matter I chose to run the entire message. 

Dear Nonsense Blog Editor:
Being a new subscriber, I appreciate your "market basket" approach to topics of the day.  There is one topic that I have yet to see in your publication, however, and I must say it is a glaring omission: Tupperware!  I for one am outraged (and I'm not alone) that in this modern age, work-a-day American Citizens are subjected to the infuriating, degrading, and entirely fruitless experience of trying to find a matching Tupperware container AND lid.  First, one must hunt through the endless cupboard of plastic parts, jars, and church directories, only to gain a false sense of victory at finding the "perfect" sized container for the need at-hand.  However, that euphoric feeling is only a cruel setup for the crashing disappointment of the following 3 to 7 minutes spent looking for a lid that will actually fit on the perfect container.  Eventually, one must settle for a container that is mis-sized or go with the perfect container and Saranwrap/rubberband work-around.  Either way, the result is a tragic disappointment. 
 The dark-side of this very real pandemic issue is that Tupperware has become the socks of the kitchen!  Not only are domestic issues exacerbated by this laundry-kitchen double-hit, the Hope-Discouragement Cycle (HDC) brought on by Tupperware alone is one of the leading causes of culinary depression in Americans aged 26 to 65.  I recently read an article citing that the travel mug/lid syndrome is showing signs of following this same dangerous pathology!  Fortunately, Americans tend to outgrow Tupperware-induced HDC around age 65 when their hormonal levels shift in the production of Organizatzione (the hormone also responsible for orderly garages, attics, silverware drawers, closets, and yes, even travel mugs).  Research must be funded to help stop Tupperware-induced HDC for those who are in the target age-range.  If technology can give us the TiVo Season-Pass; if science can give us the Sham-Wow; if government can build Interstate Highways in Hawaii... THEN WHY MUST WE SUFFER THE TUPPERWARE?!

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Friday, April 3, 2015

Math – A creative science:

            I was talking with an old high school friend who had gone into the sciences, and I told him that I thought math was a creative science. His reaction was, “Nonsense! Math is an exact science. Numbers don’t lie, they are what they represent.” So I showed him one of my golf score cards, and he had to agree that math could be creative.

Tupperware and the Church:
            A fella I once knew told me that he had grown up as a Methodist. Having been *”raised in the canebrake by an old mamma lion” I didn’t know what that was all about. He said they just sang a lot and had a lot of covered dish socials. He called it a Tupperware Tabernacle. I often wondered if his church had a missing roof.                  *Sixteen Ton by Tennessee Ernie Ford

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Seat Belts – One of my better habits:
            The action of strapping on and clicking a seat belt has become so ingrained to me that it is now a thoughtless process. If I stop at the road to get the mail, when I get back into the truck I will often belt up for the 100 foot trip up the driveway. I have also belted up while driving around the field picking up downed limbs and other storm debris. I think, though, my pinnacle of mindlessness came the other day when I got on the mower and reached for the belt.

The Hereafter:
It’s a known fact that I truly enjoy my life. What worries me is that when I eventually meet St. Peter he might look in that book and say, “Lou, I’m afraid you have already had more than your fair share of happiness.”

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Super Fruit:
            One of my favorite snacks is a big juicy orange. You don’t even have to wash it, just peel it. You never have to cut it up because it’s already divided in sections… try that with a pineapple. It’s packed with vitamin C, and there isn’t a flavor that can compare. It also has the unique distinction of having a name that can’t be rhymed in the English language. And… if you should happen to swallow a seed, fear not, it won’t grow without sunlight, and where it’s going the sun never shines. 

Moe: Why did the chicken cross the road? 
Curley: For some fowl reason.

FYI:  They just don’t write humor like that anymore. April 13 begins 3 Stooges Appreciation Week

Life: If you meet someone who is hell bent on making a fool of himself. – go ahead and help him do it.               
from my father... C. (Braddy) Bradshaw

 Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue NortherCain
–  One Man Standing And  available Now Rubio
Visit me on Facebook Lou Bradshaw Artist – Author or
Or you can contact me at
Or at Amazon Author Central