Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Not political:
            I promised that I wouldn’t get political in this Newsletter, but I also said unless someone did something stupid. So in light of Mr. Obama’s numerous gaffs with his “poor choices of words”, I couldn’t resist taking a few shots at him and Mr. Bush as well.
            George W. Bush always mispronounced the word “nuclear”. He called it “nuculer”. All one needs to do is look at the word to see that there’s no way it could be pronounced like that. It drove me bananas knowing that he must have had hundreds of minions to tell him it was wrong. I could only conclude that he didn’t care, or that everyone was afraid to tell him.

            Several years ago,  President Obama spoke with Joe Buck and Tim McCarver during the baseball All Star game, he was trying to find the plural possessive of “you”  and said, “your guyses”. Now, I’m no scholar, but I know that ain’t right. Fortunately, on a global scale, only the English speaking countries hear what our president says without interpreters fixing things. It’s amazing to me that something like that could have come from the mouth of a former Harvard Law Review editor.

Books by Lou Bradshaw available on Amazon Kindle
 A Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther
And now available –  Cain
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1 comment:

  1. Lard have mercy. You are right as sure as I-Farty runs east and west.
