Sometimes you just gotta take it:
Many years
ago, my son, Chris, had a horse, Red the Possessed Mustang. Chris could ride
him, but Red thoroughly refused to let me in the saddle, which was fine because
he’d already broken one of my arms and I didn’t want to give him a shot at the
other. As was my habit, every morning before work I’d go out, feed the evil
beast, and break up the ice in his water. Then I’d go back to the house cussing
and plotting my revenge. One day, I was running late, so I cussed and plotted
my revenge on the way to work. When I got there, I realized that I hadn’t
changed my shoes, and you can guess what was on them. It wasn’t very long until
I had quite a mess under my desk and had to call housekeeping to send someone
with a vacuum sweeper.
I had to
stand outside my office and listen to that woman mumble, grumble, and utter any
number of unfinished expletives. When she had finished, she gave me a brush and
made me clean my shoes in a trashcan. That was just one more thing to add to my
revenge list.
“Life is much too important
to be taken seriously.”
Books by Lou Bradshaw
available on Amazon Kindle
Fine Kettle of Fish – Hickory Jack – Blue – Ace High – Blue Norther – Cain
– One Man Standing – Rubio
– Cain…just Cain…. and now available…Spirit Valley
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